Sunday, August 10, 2008

It has been a while since I posted a vocabulary lesson...Okay so here are more of the Indonesian vocabularies that could be useful for those who are planning of visiting...

How Much or How Many = Berapa

How Long (length of time) = Berapa Lama

What Time = Jam berapa

Where = Dimana

How = Bagaimana

When = Kapan

Who = Siapa

What = Apa

I = Saya / Aku

You = Anda / Kamu

We = Kita

Them = Mereka

To = Ke

Straight = Lurus

Left = Kiri

Right = Kanan

Return = Balik

Again = Lagi

So at least know these common words specially, for directions so you would be able to go home just in case... HEHEHEHE...More next time!


  1. Anonymous said...

    right =in tagalog it's kanan as well
    we = in waray(a dialect of the philippines) is kita as well

    our language is a bit similar don't ya think?
    KeNeShEa said...
    Yes it is somehow similar that's why I get to learn it quite easily. :)

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